Let such world be in real not in dreams


Where the sky is clear, and the birds free to fly,
Where the rivers flow of pure water and not of blood,
Where the land is not broken into pieces of similar looking faces,
Let this kind of world be in real and not in dreams.

Where deaths come naturally and not gifted by enemies,
Where childhood is innocent and not poisoned with tragedies,
Where there are dreams in eyes and not helplessness,
Let this kind of world be in real and not in dreams.

Where humans are humans and not cannibals,
Where peace prevails not in heartbeats  but in hearts,
Where money and respect is earned and not looted,
Let this kind of world be in real and not in dreams.

Where hunger is met with food and not people,
Where aim is to soar high and not pull others down,
Where wings are to fly and not cut down to slither,
Let this kind of world be in real and not in dreams

Day 21 of ultimate blog challenge.

By-Sweety Pateliya

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